Happiness – Changing Our Perception 1281516217
Happiness – Changing Our Perception
The human response to loss begins the own personal “monkey voice” in our head. Although precise words may vary for each of us, what it says is never kind.
Thisvoice in our head is not ours, but we locate it because it talks to us in our personal voice and the language, so we listen, and that listening blinds my
While selling it to another idea for my recipe the thought that “Mind Never Loses Anything” came if you ask me. That night as Utilized falling asleep, I
rememberedthat the hot sauce Was once looking for had another kind of lid then most wine bottles. The next morning I looked in the refrigerator, where by I
hadlooked before and saw the bottle.
To be an artist of perception takes practice, just a good artist of anything takes practice. But one day good all witness that the artist is simply Love, Life, Mind,
Soul,Spirit, Principle, Truth living and loving Itself of which we become the consequences of these action.
Become conscious about what truly when someone does something in your presence, that creates an intense negative emotion within you have. This is your
perception.Do you agitated? Angry? Upset? Any other negative emotion?
In fact anything you add towards the current lifestyle that has MORE life force will aid clairvoyant growth. The expansion of clairvoyance requires lots of
positiveenergies from all types of places. Start with small small steps first. The most important factor is keep going and resist laying off.
This routine requires a companion, a straw plus a tooth pick. Have a partner hold a straw in a horizontal position at a distance up to 2 feet in front of you may.
Byclosing one of your eyes, take a tooth pick and insert it into one end of the straw spot. This exercise increases depth impression. Practice these techniques
regularlyabout 4 times a week and give them at least 30 days to watch a difference.
And so once we talk about perception versus reality keep in mind that there truly isn’t any ‘truth’ and no ‘reality.’ It almost all perception. But the great news is
thatwe receive to choose the perception that causes us to feel good, rather than the one that causes us to feel bad.