Get Rich By Flowing With And Against Mass Mind 1224209773
Get Rich By Flowing With And Against Mass Mind
Perception. Many say perception is simple. Is it reality? What is reality? Is reality what you find? According to Merriam-Webster’s, perception means “a result of
observation;a mental image”. Is that what reality means you? Is perception an illusion?
Because right now free will, we can select our perception. We can pick one escalating limited and restrained, or we can opt one because of this expanded and
Having tried thousands of interviews Believed I had seen it all: alcohol, facial tattoos, free use of obscenities, and more. Still, the question of an interviewer’s
perceptionis actually definitely an interesting one so I started to jot down a few notes.
To be an artist of perception takes practice, just being an artist of anything takes practice. Only one day give all witness that the artist is considered Love, Life,
Mind,Soul, Spirit, Principle, Truth living and loving Itself which we end up being the consequences of that particular action.
But, then what is spiritual? Is it a cleared up material view, that attracts what we strive to us, and fosters a more perfect lifestyle? Is it measurable energy can
bemanipulated and used to benefit us?
Whatever goes wrong with you, someone perceives it through your senses & when day is filtered through your physical senses, you give that event a meaning,
alabel by the virtue of one’s current associated with understanding, knowledge, experience, values & belief system.
Once you realize freedom in your judgments, a certain four-letter phrase does a whole new meaning. I Change My Mind! And when you change your mind, you
havethe gift of changed perception. May the gift (of changed perception), be with you!