Sense Perception – Part I 1253071797

Sense Perception – Part I

Having perception means you have the capacity to attain understanding and awareness through the senses. Now perception is a mental image an awareness
orconsciousness of your observation or cause. When looking at the definition of perception you hope everyone perceives the same concept. But have the
definitionclosely the idea of “awareness through the senses.” Do you believe that the outcome of this type of awareness is viewed by everyone? Perception is
good,however in a business, a coaching session, or perhaps sales the direction will need to be perceived the unique way.

Whatever appear in you, someone perceives it via your senses & when this is filtered through your physical senses, you give that event a meaning, a label by
thevirtue of the current involving understanding, knowledge, experience, values & belief system.

The Ego, the individuated part one’s spirit moves to hell which is a place of eternal suffering and relational separation from God after death the actual sin. The
perfectBlood of your Lamb cleanses us of all SIN and reconciles our individuated spirit with the spirit of God vocalization. Jesus Christ was separated
relationallyis not Father when he carried the whole sins on their own cross. He who knew no sin, did no sin, plus in him wasn’t sin became our sin so which we
canbecome the righteousness of God in him.

There is really a phenomena called earth electrical power. The fresh air out in nature is a concentration from the vital force as we breath and notice how
energizingis actually to our bodies. Looking at a flower lets our consciousness meet regarding the blossom. Nature can show us a lot if we let they. Being in
natureempowers psychic perception because the interior senses resonate well with natural atmosphere.

I needed hot sauce in the refrigerator. I have specific places I put things in the refrigerator so I looked there, but couldn’t see thought. I shut the door and the
“monkeyvoice” told me that either I didn’t have any, or I misplaced it. Dismissing that thought, I opened the door and looked again. Nothing had changed; it

To be an artist of perception takes practice, just a great artist of anything takes practice. Only one day is going to also all witness that the artist can be Love,
Life,Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Truth living and loving Itself which we would be the consequences of that particular action.

Once you realize freedom in your judgments, a certain four-letter phrase takes on a whole new meaning. I Change My Mind! Many years . you change your
mind,you keep gift of changed perception. May the gift (of changed perception), be with you!

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