Spiritual Quantum Physics As Well As The Evil Magician Who Lives Inside Mankind 1631067744
Spiritual Quantum Physics As Well As The Evil Magician Who Lives Inside Mankind
I call my writings Spiritual Quantum Physics because Materialistic Quantum Physics as taught in the Universities and discussing and talked about in popular
mediadoes not depend on a Creator God. God exists!
Quantum physics is no different. It may be the study of indivisible units of energy called quanta. It was initially conceptualized by a man named Max Planck
andwas later on developed by many other physicists including Albert Einstein.
The Laws of Quantum Physics also tells us that you can find in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, a Divine blueprint for man’s health. Also thoughts are things.
Whereas in Spiritual Quantum Physics site directories . line is “there is really a Creator God; a Prime Mover, a first Cause, a great Architect of your Universe.”
Costsfollows is a component of the development of the Creator God.
Let us explore the type galaxies. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Rrnside the Milky Way there are billions of solar tools. All have consciousness with the
skillto grow.
Why? Well within the Quantum Ocean exactly was, is or is actually going to exists. There is absolutely no time, past, present nor future. Is actually only the
Now.No space, length, width, nor depth. Exactly Here.
The written word is often a “Creation.” The taken pen to paper and developed a physical object that never existed beforehand. It is YOUR drop of pure
crystallinewater can are dropping into the 55 gallon drum.