Spiritual Quantum Physics As Well As The Occult 1385504631

Spiritual Quantum Physics As Well As The Occult

I call my writings Spiritual Quantum Physics because Materialistic Quantum Physics as taught in the Universities and written about and talked about in popular
mediadoes not believe in your a Creator God, the father. God exists!

Therefore their theories and writings are incorrect. I have been a math professor for 18 many it is the same as trying to solve the mysteries of the universe
utilizingassumption that 2+2=5. Just what follows is false.

There is a Divine Plan and time table for everything. “Not even a feather coming from a sparrow’s wing falls to Earth without me knowing it.” When they leave
losefat God through their equation it will be the same as saying 2+2=5. WRONG!

Why is there possibly first line incorrect? leave out a Creator God. They may be seeking the answers to the universe using physical means without
considerationfor the spiritual side of real.

Let us look at the creation model presented by Spiritual Quantum physics. Might be similar into the very ancient belief of your Hindus who said that Brahma
breathedout the universe to last associated with years. When Brahma breathes back your market universe will finish.

Here are a handful of the most elementary ideas for this Laws of Quantum Physics that wish to be considered via the experts before they puff up their chests
andexpound their theories.

Cause and effect relationship has great significance throughout the Science and Philosophy. In Science,the principle states that ‘the effect can not precede
cause’.In Philosophy the word implies ‘there is no effect without cause’. In other words, this is the philosophical version of Newton’s third law which states that
‘Actionand Reaction are equal and opposite’ which, quite simply means that Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but are only able to be replaced.
Forany change in any object or energy as Universe, if it is considered being an effect, and also the action could be the cause. Hence, the word Causality has
invitedcontinuous and deep study by Philosophers and Scientists as well.

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