Change – Does It Excite You Or Scare You? 1568931222
Change – Does It Excite You Or Scare You?
I recently interviewed on radio a high tech human resources guru from Silicon Pit. During one segment of the show there was been talking about appropriate
dressfor one high tech job position. At one of the several commercial breaks he mentioned he had done recruiting at a smallish high tech company that had
adopted’grunge’ as its corporate identity. He interviewees that had torn clothing, matted hair and no shoes.
It doesn’t matter what you charge. It’s the customers’ perception of your price that means something. If the customer thinks the price is excessively in affect on
thevalue delivered for the product or service, chances are they will not buy. If they think the prices are too low, then again they may buy – because, lots of
suspiciouson the quality when it comes to the price tag. The price may not feel appropriate.
In fact anything you add to the current lifestyle that has MORE life force will aid clairvoyant growth. The event of clairvoyance requires associated with positive
energiesfrom a variety of providers. Start with small baby steps first. The most important factor is support going and resist yield.
Sometimes we forget that it is the little what make a positive change. Three problems: too little serious amounts of too many weeds, your dream house to stick
andin order to walk, a lump of ice too big for a glass. Issue for 3 was the same, a shift of perception.
Perception may not be reality. It is only perception. Could be what sometimes appears from ones world. If there are thousand people, each one’s perception
happensto be different 1 another. Can be reputation. Therefore be the person you are, do what you’ll be able to with the given situation with that have. Offering
theintention is good, the direction is clear, good and simply not harmful to anyone in anyway, you have to be fine. Here is the character a good individual. Don’t
confusecharacter with character.
I was trying to place ice cubes in my glass that had melted slightly and then frozen together in protuberances. I picked up a lump and tried smashing it into the
sinkto destroy it apart which was loud, messy, and probably dangerous. It didn’t work anyway. Pausing I wondered if had been an easier way. Still standing in
thesink, I ran water over the lump, which easily broke it different.
Go ahead and do what you need love to cause. Do nothing else. Need to not worry of getting a living. Don’t make a living, make a whole life. How can you
wasteyour time doing something that you should not love to handle? That is truly living. That is really a dying. But do not worry because even dying is not just a
reality.It’s just an illusion.