Why Did I Choose Spiritual Quantum Physics Instead Of Just Quantum Physics? 1915022609

Why Did I Choose Spiritual Quantum Physics Instead Of Just Quantum Physics?

We are all individual drops water in an marine. To be more specific we are individual units of consciousness in an ocean of attention. The Age of Aquarius has
providedus with the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics.

Cause and effect relationship has great significance in both Science and Philosophy. In Science,the principle states that ‘the effect can not precede cause’. In
Philosophythe word implies ‘there is no effect without cause’. Some other words, it is a philosophical version of Newton’s third law which states that ‘Action and
Reactionare equal and opposite’ which, in other words means that Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but can just be replaced. For any change
inany object or energy in the Universe, if it’s considered for effect, and the action is the cause. Hence, the word Causality has invited continuous and deep
studyby Philosophers and Scientists as well.

Movement of planets associated with orbits is very scientific. The tutor is able to clarify the movement of planets of orbits to their students. Now the learners
willdiscover it worth it to read to marvel further close to planets along with the galaxy.

Man can never create man because to try so however have to draw in the Divine Blueprint belonging to the man coming from the Quantum Ocean together
withmind. What he does create in his test tube is a CLONE of person. Something all together different than man. Offers no technique.

The Spiritual Quantum physics follower knows that the true purpose and destiny every individual soul is to “go up” the Go across. To Ascend the vertical
standard.The vertical bar leads to improve consciousness, individuality and communicates with the higher ones who have gone before.

Let us explore some galaxies. Our galaxy is named the Milky Way. Inside the Milky Way there are billions of solar models. All have consciousness with the
powerto grow.

Without knowing much about physics, I thought i was able to purposely practice with excelling in closing. As is the case in most classes, camp fire . tends
pertainingto being comprehensive and if you’ve kept your head in the time game, this is often where may excel.

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